Draw by Night Toronto

Draw by Night is a Toronto social drawing party. For 6 years it's bringing hundreds of artistic people together: from professional illustrators and designers to students and art enthusiasts. It is a fun pastime and a networking opportunity for all kinds of creatives. Originally from Vancouver, it's been in Toronto since July 2013.

Video: Line Chertozum

Next Event: Draw By Night #16

Week of the Dead

November 6, 7.30 PM, Station Cafe & Kitchen

Draw by Night #16

Draw by Night is a Toronto free bi-monthly social drawing event. We get 60-70 attendees: from professional illustrators and designers to students and art enthusiasts. We cover tables with paper, give people art supplies, the theme and draw. Sometimes we have presenters too. It is a fun pastime and a networking opportunity for all kinds of creative people. DBN originally started in Vancouver 10 years ago, in Toronto we've been doing it since July 2013. 

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People Behind Draw By Night

Katerina Lyadova

Katerina Lyadova


Natta Summerky

Natta Summerky

Co-organizer, Photography

Natasha Dichpan

Natasha Dichpan

Co-organizer, Volunteer Management

Jeanette Seah

Jeanette Seah

Co-organizer, Logistics, Video

Trevor Kluke

Trevor Kluke

Vivien Leung

Vivien Leung

Shawn Pucknell

Shawn Pucknell

Alfred Park

Alfred Park

Lindsay Archibald

Lindsay Archibald

Myron Campbell

Myron Campbell

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